Ajax Register PHP 8.0 and Email template

2 years 8 months ago #8280 by stratacorps
I had to back-rev a test site to PHP 7.4 because the code uses {} curly braces to reference index attributes. Are there any plans to support the current PHP 8 release?

Also, the Email sent out after installing Ajax Register uses template variables {NAME}, {SITENAME} {SITEURL} but these elements aren't being replaced with the actual values. Is this a J4! issue?



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2 years 8 months ago #8283 by stratacorps
Any updates to this?

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2 years 7 months ago #8285 by Saka

The PHP 8 compatibility has just been fixed. The string replacements in Joomla 4 registration emails is also fixed.
You can download the new version from www.sakic.net/products/ajax-register/download/

Thank you.

Emir Sakic

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