problem with iJoomla News component and Joomlafish translation for cyrilic langu

16 years 11 months ago #749 by Ela975
Hallo Emire,
We have some problems with translations our news portal. We need translate our site to the english , bosnian and cyrilic-translated serbian languages. Problem is with colaboration between ijoomlafish and iJoomlaNews component and cyrilic translation. News on the cyrilic doesn0t look like cyrilic :)(on the pages with news only intro text lin cyrilic doesn't work fine). Title of the news is translated and everthing is ok, but intro text (description of the nes) looking like this on the page (@54AB02=8G:8 4>< 0@;0G5B:C 40=0HZ5 AX54=8F5 )instead of cyrilic intro text. Have you any idea what could be a problem , and where I need define charset for cyrilic lang, could be a problem with database encoding ?

p.s mnogo bi jednostavnije objasnila na bosanskom , ali ako imas bilo kakvu ideju bili bi ti veoma zahvalni.Zašto naslov prevede dobro a umjesto intro teksta dobijem neki besmislen coding ?
thanks a lot

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16 years 11 months ago #750 by Saka
Ela problem je negdje u encodingu. Morao bih pogledati pa mi poÅ¡alji mail sa informacijama (URL, možda i admin password i FTP) pa ćemo vidjeti.


Emir Sakic

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16 years 11 months ago #756 by Ela975
zahvaljujem na brzom odgovoru i samo da ti javim da smo rijesili problem , a u stvari se radi o tome da za sva tri jezika se mora setovati isti encoding odnosno utf-8. samo u tom slucaju radi korektno.
za slucaj da nekome ova informacija bude trebala :)
hvala puno i veliki pozdrav iz Sarajeva!

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